
It Makes All The Difference

Looking after myself for me is something I’m still not great at but I feel the difference when I do. It’s not something I was taught to do growing up and it’s not something that I think sits comfortably culturally. It can still be misunderstood as self indulgent and even selfish somehow. Caring for others and being there for others was more the message and in itself it’s a good message but through years I understood that first I should take care of myself and then the rest will follow.

I take care of myself by making myself unavailable to others when I’m overloaded. I create time to be by myself to reflect (and not just watch Netflix!) I book treatments for me that make me feel happy like a pedicure. Love a good pedicure! I travel when possible as I love the feeling of feeling free and the reminder of how big the world is and for me it helps put things in perspective. I pray.

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