
Your Health And Well-Being Comes First

How I look after myself is that I like to play football at least two times a week. That is because I like to keep fit and in shape. So if I for instant am struggling to run around much in a game then I’ll cut back on some of the junk food that I normally consume i.e. fried chicken and chips or maybe eat carbs at least 2 hours before a game. 

I also like to catch up with my friends and talk to them in my spare time as this helps me vent things out of my system or talk about anything that comes to our mind like football or how the day went. Even when we get together and after I see them I feel better about myself. My friends I would say have been key towards my mental well-being meaning I get to be myself around then. They’re empathetic people and non-judgemental as well. We understand and listen to each other. They mean the world to me.

What I most find useful is drinking a cup of tea and having a little chat whether it’s with my neighbour or my lovely best friend. A cup of tea can go a long way. I cannot forget my mum. She’s always been there for me. Always supporting the decisions I made in life. My mum likes to listen to me and my siblings whenever anything is troubling us. She never imposes her decisions on us. 

Anyway enough of me. What I would say is… be yourself. Don’t be boring like the others. There’s only one of YOU! 

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