
Being Kind To Myself

Looking after myself is something which has been evolving constantly for myself. For example my Life experiences, my friends /family and my professional surrounding all together account for the way I look after myself.

My education and religion has been a big part of how I see things and I have become a reflective individual who is able to dissect what has happened and be self critical as well as be kind to myself. This method has enabled me to be become more patient and more understanding into ideas from different angles.

Here are a few methods that have worked for me.

1. I start my day with daily prayers and Adkhar (daily prayers) which I feel protect me and enable me to have a positive start to the day. I always remember these three factors allah is with me, watching me and listening to me. This technique helps me with managing my inner peace which I feel helps to improve my outer world.

2. I talk to my friends and family if I feel unsure and uneasy about life or general commitments. I ponder on whether I am overwhelming myself and ask others who are close to me for their opinion. This allows me to manage and balance out my busy life. I also try to not think about issues when I am going to bed as this disrupts my sleeping pattern and causes me further stress. I make a little prayer and leave it in the hands of the almighty.

3. I try to calm myself by having a mini version of myself which is the voice that says “you can do this! Take a deep breath”. I call this my personalised cheerleader!

4. I reward myself no matter how difficult a task is by giving myself a pamper after work or a the end of the week this includes retail therapy, having a binge on chocolate or treating my self to something which I have wanted for a long time. This makes me feel good and puts a smile on my face.

5. I accept life is not always perfect and we have to overcome hurdles, work hard and be patient. This can be difficult when things seem like they are always going down hill but I try to remember the good things in my life and believe that things will always change. I have to take responsibility and motivate myself by knowing what I want out of life.

6. Be kind to yourself and others have down time with family/ friends

7. Lastly I always try to thank allah for the good and bad times as these moments enable me to better myself and take care of people around me

May Allah make it easy for us all!

take care !