
Self-Care Is A Lifestyle

Within the last couple of years I have really crafted my self-care strategies. I take time out to meditate, because it clears my mind. I spend some time alone, because too much stimulation can tire me out. I journal, because it helps get my thoughts out and create new ideas. I exercise, because it energises me. I clear my external spaces, because it helps me have clarity and focus. I watch movies, because it allows me to switch off from the world. I play board games, because I enjoy the family time (and because, apparently, I’m competitive!)

A lot of these activities have stemmed from my stresses and struggles. I now use them on a very regular basis. For me, self- care is how I maintain my wellbeing. It’s the decisions I make on a daily basis to do what I need to look after me. And when I am looked after I am more available for others.