Take the first step.
Wake up every day believing that this is a new chance to get it right, and act accordingly.
Set the scene for new positive habits every day.
Your body won’t function the way it should unless you put in the work to make yourself feel better.
You will test your blood sugar levels, you will calculate your insulin accurately, and you will make the right choices.
You will exercise at least once a week, and walk every day.
The fresh air will do you wonders.
You will not scroll through Instagram first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
You will walk away from situations which make you feel like you are spiralling downwards.
You will remember to smile.
You will be mindful of your Salaah.
You will start and end each day with prayer and Shukr to The Most Merciful for all He has blessed you with, and will continue to bless you with the more you give thanks.
Remember this.
You have to sow the seed, cultivate the land, water the plant, and the fruit will be as sweet as you imagined.