
Selfie Care

Good times with my 2 lovely boys; Family; Friends; Trying to be healthy; Me time; We time; Time out Having a great work life balance; Laughing; Caring; Sharing; Tea and cake; Cosy PJ’s; Theatre; Cinema; Reading; Reflecting; Lie ins; Proper coffee with cream on a Sunday morning; Radio dramas; Hot showers; Roast dinners with all the trimmings; Hearing the birds sing; Afternoon naps; Travelling to beautiful places: Walks in the beautiful outdoors; Singing; Getting involved to make a difference; Not feeling guilty for having mopey days; Cooking a meal that my boys enjoy; Beautiful gardens; Log fires; Getting those chores done; Comfy shoes; Good TV dramas… and so much more… But most important of all… Counting my blessings and being thankful to The Almighty… for all these opportunities.

2 replies on “Selfie Care”

The posted words seem vivid and very soothing!., Though being in psychiatry for the past 7 years I would like to highlight the fact that even self care requires that one little spark of something to look forward to. Internal conflict is difficult to resolve and may take some time but as per clinical observation an external stimulus is needed almost 90% of the time. I’m not pointing fingers or judging anyone here but being practical helps immensely. You guys are doing a commendable job and tirelessly working for helping others and mostly your motivational and inspiring text is amazing. Thank you for being that beacon of light for all!. You seem to be giving that much needed positivity to others!.

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