

I sometimes find looking after myself very difficult to prioritise amongst the responsibilities as a professional, wife, mother and daughter.

Sometimes when things get too much my body forces me to rest and I may get ill. When this happens I know it’s time to slow down, and I make sure that I take time off to recuperate properly, taking lots of rest, switching my phone off, hibernating and recharging.

I’m slowly getting better at recognising when things are starting to get too much before crashing now, through being more mindful, and I will start to slow down before becoming unwell.

Currently I’m reading lots of great books about living the best version of yourself, and this has been a great way for me to self-reflect and focus on myself.

I also love going for long walks, being around trees, and being in water whether that’s in a bath, swimming pool or the sea!


Avoiding Stress

My number one self-care tip that I would share is to avoid stress. 

Whatever may be stressing you out, if it’s work or studies, take a minute to take a step back and remind yourself why you began, and look at how far you’ve come. Never foresee any effort made – even if they are small steps. In the long-run, even the tiniest effort you’ve made will amount to something bigger in the future. 

And remember to have a balance healthy foundation: 

1. Try to get enough sleep, and try your best to have a consistent sleeping schedule 
2. Remember to drink water
3. Eat a well – balanced diet (occasional snacks!)